Nothing was lost in translation for our Rathmore linguists Seán Carabine-Phippard (Year 13), Leia Phenix (Year 13) and Ahmed Sharif (Year 12), who have excelled in The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators, an annual prize organised by The Queen’s College, Oxford University.
The pupils were awarded commendations for the quality of their translations in French (Seán), Spanish (Leia) and German (Ahmed). They faced stiff competition from schools across the UK - over 15,000 students participated in the prize this year. Leia and Seán are dual linguists, both studying French and Spanish at A level. Ahmed, too, will be taking German in Year 13.
Congratulations to our commendees for producing such beautifully crafted labours of love. Rathmore is proud of you and of our flourishing Languages Department.
